Identifying Soreness vs. Injury


A simple ache or true injury?

How do we tell when we have a simple ache, or issue that came on after a hard workout? When do we truly have an injury? These are questions that many of our patients ask.

Soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness

Soreness or delayed onset muscle soreness, is typically classified in peaks 24 to 72 hours after activity. This usually happens throughout the body bilaterally in both sides of our joints. It can also be a little tender to the touch. That soreness usually goes away with some light activity, a warm up, maybe a light bike ride or a walk.

An Actual Injury

Whereas when an injury happens, that pain that we feel can be right then and there when we’re doing the activity and can linger 7-10 days afterwards. It’s usually sharp and happens in one side or one joint. If you’re experiencing pain that’s lasting 7-10 days and simply isn’t going away, give us a call. Let us take a look - We’re happy to help!


Direct Access to Physical Therapy

No referral is needed. We offer a variety of specialized physical therapy services in the Lowcountry where you can get help from our trusted and expert therapists. We have locations in Hilton Head, Bluffton, and Okatie. Call today to start your physical therapy evaluation.

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Okatie | Bluffton | Hilton Head

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