Treatment and Relief of Lymphedema


Have you noticed unusual swelling in your extremities limiting your range of motion, or the feeling of heaviness? This could be a sign of lymphedema. For existing patients with lymphedema, the seasonal hot weather can often cause a “flare up”. We recommend you schedule an evaluation with one of our Certified Lymphedema Therapists. They will devise a treatment plan to help control your swelling AND regain control of your daily life.

It’s important to work with a Certified Lymphedema Specialist as part of your treatment plan.
— Healthline

What is Lymphedema?

The lymphatic system is made up of lymph nodes and lymph vessels that drain fluids from your body’s tissues. These fluids carry toxins, immune cells, and waste products to your lymph nodes. In turn, lymph vessels help maintain fluid balance in the body by returning filtered lymph fluid back to the bloodstream.

A poorly working lymphatic system causes tissues to become swollen with fluid, called lymphedema. It commonly results in swelling in your arms or legs. Other parts of the body can be affected, too. Some people are born with a lymphatic problem; called hereditary or primary lymphedema. It can also result from a variety of complex genetic conditions. Other people may develop lymphedema from disease or injury. This is referred to as secondary lymphedema. It’s a common side effect of cancer treatment.


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